Easysoft Licensing User Guide - Unix Licensing

Licensing Easysoft products under Unix

This section explains how to obtain each type of license for an Easysoft product under Unix.

It also explains how to remove a license and how to preserve one when re-installing software.

Chapter Guide

Obtaining trial licenses

A trial license gives you full use of an Easysoft product for a limited period (usually 14 days).

How you obtain a trial license depends on whether the machine on which you intend to use the software is online or offline.

Obtaining trial licenses on Unix (Online method)

If the machine on which you intend to use the software has a connection to the Internet (is online), work through these steps to obtain a trial license:

1.  Log onto your Unix machine as the root user.

2.  Download and install the software if you have not already done so.

 The License Manager starts automatically at the end of the install procedure.

3.  If the License Manager is not already running, change into the /usr/local/easysoft/licensedirectory and then type ./licshell<Enter>.

 The License Manager displays a list of available Easysoft products.

4.  Type the option number of the product for which you require a license (although several products may be listed, you can only successfully select one that you have installed on this machine).

 The License Manager retrieves the machine number for your machine and then prompts you for some contact information.

5.  Complete the Name, Company, Email, Telephone and Fax details.

6.  When the Ref prompt appears, press <Enter>.

7.  When asked how you want to obtain the license, choose option 1, Automatically.... After a few moments, a message is displayed telling you the number of licenses that have been added.

8.  Choose option 0 to quit the License Manager.

9.  Type y when asked if you want to apply the new licenses.

The product is now licensed and you can begin using it.

Obtaining trial licenses on Unix (Offline method)

If the machine on which you intend to use the software does not have a connection to the Internet (is offline), work through these steps to obtain a trial license:

1.  Log onto your Unix machine as the root user.

2.  Download and install the software if you have not already done so.

 The License Manager starts automatically at the end of the install procedure.

3.  If the License Manager is not already running, change into the /usr/local/easysoft/license directory and then type ./licshell <Enter>.

 The License Manager displays a list of available Easysoft products.

4.  Type the option number of the product for which you require a license (although several products may be listed, you can only successfully select one that you have installed on this machine).

 The License Manager retrieves the machine number for your machine and then prompts you for some contact information.

5.  Complete the Name, Company, Email, Telephone and Fax details.

6.  When the Ref prompt appears, press <Enter>.

7.  When asked how you want to obtain the license, choose option 2, Write information to file.

 Your machine number is written to a file called license_request.txt.

8.  Choose option 0 to quit the License Manager.

9.  Now email the license_request.txt file to either:

¯ OR ¯

If you cannot use email, then fax or telephone the machine number in the license_request.txt file to the Licensing Department at Easysoft and a member of staff will forward your license key(s) to you.

Contact Licensing at:

Tel: +44 (0)1937 863 450
Fax: +44 (0)1937 863 550

10.  When you receive your license key(s), append them to the /usr/local/easysoft/license/licenses file, removing any LIC: prefixes..


The license responder puts an attachment in its outgoing emails that allows Windows users to activate their licenses by double-clicking the attachment. If you read your email in Windows then this attachment will be visible, but it will not work for licensing Unix software.

The product is now licensed and you can begin using it.

Obtaining purchased licenses

Purchased licenses are available for either a fixed or unlimited number of concurrent database connections and give you permenant use of an Easysoft product.

How you obtain a purchased license depends on whether the machine on which you intend to use the software is online or offline.

Obtaining purchased licenses on Unix (Online method)

If the machine on which you intend to use the software has a connection to the Internet (is online), work through these steps to obtain a purchased license:

1.  Log onto your Unix machine as the root user.

2.  Download the software if you have not already done so.

3.  Now obtain your authorization code by purchasing the software from the Easysoft web site (http://www.easysoft.com) or by contacting the Sales Department on +44 (0) 1937 860 000.

 Your authorization code(s) will be emailed to you.

4.  When you receive your authorization code(s), install the software if you have not already done so.

 The License Manager starts automatically at the end of the install procedure.

5.  If the License Manager is not already running, change into the /usr/local/easysoft/license directory then type ./licshell <Enter>.

 The License Manager displays a list of available Easysoft products.

6.  Type the option number of the product for which you require a license (although several products may be listed, you can only select one that is installed).

 The License Manager retrieves the machine number for your machine and then prompts you for some contact information.

7.  Complete the Name, Company, Email, Telephone and Fax details.

 If you obtained your authorization code via the Easysoft web site, then the email address you enter here should be exactly the same as the one you entered on the web site.

8.  When the Ref prompt appears, type in your authorization code and then press <Enter>.

 If you have more than one authorization code, you must repeat this procedure (step 5 to step 10) to convert each authorization code into a license key.

9.  When asked how you want to obtain the license, choose option 1, Automatically....

 After a few moments, a message is displayed telling you the number of licenses that have been added.

10.  Choose option 0 to quit the License Manager.

11.  Type y when asked if you want to apply the new licenses.

The product is now licensed and you can begin using it.

Obtaining purchased licenses on Unix (Offline method)

If the machine on which you intend to use the software does not have a connection to the Internet (is offline), work through these steps to obtain a purchased license:

1.  Log onto your Unix machine as the root user.

2.  Download the software if you have not already done so.

3.  Now obtain your authorization code by purchasing the software from the Easysoft web site (http://www.easysoft.com) or by contacting the Sales Department on +44 (0) 1937 860 000.

 Your authorization code(s) will be emailed to you.

4.  When you receive your authorization code(s), install the software if you have not already done so.

 The License Manager starts automatically at the end of the install procedure.

5.  If the License Manager is not already running, change into the /usr/local/easysoft/license directory then type ./licshell<Enter>.

 The License Manager displays a list of available Easysoft products.

6.  Type the option number of the product for which you require a license (although several products may be listed, you can only select one that is installed).

 The License Manager retrieves the machine number for your machine and then prompts you for some contact information.

7.  Complete the Name, Company, Email, Telephone and Fax details.

8.  When the Ref prompt appears, type in your authorization code and then press <Enter>.

 If you have more than one authorization code, you must repeat this whole procedure (step 5 to step 12) to convert each authorization code into a license key.

9.  When asked how you want to obtain the license, choose option 2, Write information to file.

 Your machine number is written to a file called license_request.txt.

10.  Choose option 0 to quit the License Manager.

11.  Now email the license_request.txt file to either:

¯ OR ¯

If you cannot use email, then fax or telephone the machine number in the license_request.txt file to the Licensing Department at Easysoft and a member of staff will forward your license key(s) to you.

Contact Licensing at:

Tel: +44 (0)1937 863 450
Fax: +44 (0)1937 863 550

12.  When you receive your license key(s), append them to the /usr/local/easysoft/license/licenses file, removing any LIC: prefixes..


The license responder puts an attachment in its outgoing emails that allows Windows users to activate their licenses by double-clicking the attachment. If you read your email in Windows then this attachment will be visible, but it will not work for licensing Unix software.

The product is now licensed and you can begin using it.

Removing a license

Occasionally you might want to remove a license (if the license has expired, for example).

To remove a license:

1.  Ensure that you are logged onto your Unix machine as the root user.

2.  Change into the /usr/local/easysoft/license directory.

3.  Run ./licshell.

4.  Select option 1 to view the licenses on this machine.

 The licenses are listed in reverse order to their position in the licenses file. If any invalid licenses are found, the errors will be displayed out of sequence and you should resolve these errors before removing any licenses.

5.  Note where the unwanted license appears and enter 0 to quit the License Manager.

6.  Make a backup of the licenses file.

7.  Open the licenses file and remove the appropriate license line.

8.  Run ./licshell again and select option 1 to display the active licenses.

9.  If the correct license has been removed, enter 0 to quit the License Manager.

¯ OR ¯

 If the wrong license has been removed, enter 0 to quit the License Manager, reinstate the original licenses file and then go back to step 3 and try again.

Preserving licenses when upgrading software

Licenses that are added to a Unix installation of an Easysoft product are added to the /usr/local/easysoft/license/licenses file.

When an Easysoft product is removed from a server the license file is also removed, along with the other Easysoft directories.

Operating system upgrades or certain hardware changes (such as replacing the network card) also nullify licenses and require new ones to be requested.

To prevent this, store a backup copy of the license file on another machine, which can then be added back on to the server when it has been rebuilt.

More about Unix licensing

On Unix, licenses are stored in a file called /usr/local/easysoft/license/licenses, where each line is generally either a comment starting with a hash (`#') character or a license key for an Easysoft product.

However, the text "IgnoreInvalid" is sometimes included as the first line in the licenses file to instruct the server to ignore any license keys which are included that refer to other servers.

This is because Easysoft products prevent clients from connecting if there is invalid entry in the licenses file, which will occur if it contains licenses for more than one server (for example, when Easysoft products are installed on NFS-mounted filestores).


"IgnoreInvalid" does not disable license checking, but forces the server to ignore any invalid licenses while searching for a valid one rather than refusing connections. A valid license is still required for each Easysoft product.

Viewing licenses

The License Manager for Unix has an option to view existing licenses, but this does not allow you to view licenses added in the current License Manager session.

You must exit the License Manager and then rerun it to view any licenses applied in the previous session.

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